Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The candidates in a Star Wars setting...

My brother and I got this idea after something similar was started at blogsforfredthompson.
Basically, we took each pf the candidates, and our impressions of them, and compared them to Star Wars characters.

So, first, the Republicans.

Mike Huckabee - Senator Palpatine/Darth Sidious, because at first glance he appears to be all for the good of the country (or Republic if you are in Star Wars ;) ), thus he is not a visible threat with his several non-conservative traits, like big-government, higher taxes, poor foreign policy, which he is just waiting to reveal if everyone gives him the chance.

Rudy Giuliani - Master Luminara Unduli, because, while he is a jedi (jedi = conservative in this comparison) he has a few places where he doesn't agree with the council (mainstream conservative beliefs) and he has some personal issues. (Yes, I realize the Luminara is a female, but I Rudy was asking for that when he dressed up as a woman ;) )

John McCain - Master Qui-Gon Jinn, because, while he firmly believes he is doing the right things, on a number of subjects he disagrees with mainstream conservatism, and he has his own way of doing some things that is conflicting with what most people want.

Mitt Romney - Anakin Skywalker, because he can't decide whether he is good or evil.

Fred Thompson - Master Yoda, because, while he talks slower, and doesn't get all consumed by ambition, he has the knowledge and wisdom to lead. And, when the need arises, the passion and ability to defeat just about anyone, without getting all consumed with his power and place.

Ron Paul - Viceroy Nute Gunray, because he is all for free-trade (well, ok, the TF is only for free trade for themselves...) and because he can't stand a fight (he would rather send in a bunch of disposable droids...).

And now for the Democrats.

Hillary Clinton - General Grievous. I think this one is pretty self-explanatory, but if not, Hillary is a clear and visible threat that represents a secession from the values that have shaped our country. And because neither of them look extremely healthy...

Barack Obama - Darth Maul, because he came out of nowhere to a high position, and because he is a very visible threat.

John Edwards - Count Dooku, because, while he is very wrong in how he is going about it, he does appear to truly think he is doing the right thing.

Dennis Kucinich - Jabba the Hutt. He is against conflict (it isn't good for business if everyone dies is it?), he is for more governmental control, and he opposes most, if not all, of the morals that this country is founded upon.

Well, I think that covers most everyone, but if I forgot someone, just let me know ;)
If nothing else, this serves to make me like more the values that the media are blasting Thompson for, slow, deliberate, powerful.

And if you are wondering, I see Huckabee as the most dangerous, followed closely by Hillary and Kucinich.

Fred Thompson - may the force be with us.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Iowa: if you're ready, here comes Fred Thompson!

Thompson is doing 8 events today, 5 television and radio, and 3 are city calls to Waterloo, Cedar Rapids and Davenport.

Here is the complete line-up:

*All times central
7:30 am
Fred Thompson does a live interview on "Morning in America" with Bill Bennett

9:35 am
Fred Thompson does a live interview on "The Laura Ingraham Show"

10:45 am
Fred Thompson is a guest on Fox News' "Happening Now"

12:50 pm
Fred Thompson meets with voters at event in Waterloo, Iowa

3:15 pm
Fred Thompson meets with voters at event in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

5:00 pm
Fred Thompson does a live interview on "The Mark Levin Show." LISTEN LIVE HERE

6:00 pm
Fred Thompson meets with voters at event in Davenport, Iowa

9:00 pm
Jeri Thompson does a live interview on Fox News's "On the Record with Great Van Susteren"

10:00 pm
Fred Thompson does a live in studio interview with KCCI's Kevin Cooney and Stacey Horst in Des Moines, Iowa

It seems he is really starting to attract attention again, and the polls show it.

Zogby, which has been placing him lower than most other polls, now has him with an increase of 4 points over the week.

All other candidates are down a point or two.

If you are still unsure of who to vote for, then I highly recommend you watch this speech from Fred. It is specifically to Iowa voters - but its message is relevant to anyone.

just go here:

and then click on the video "Fred's message to Iowa voters".

It is 17 minutes long - so make sure you have the time, but it is well worth it.

Fred Thompson, the right choice if you want principled leadership in Washington.