Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Looks like it's going to be...

McCain/Huckabee against Clinton/Obama (or Obama/Clinton or something, take your pick...).

Huckabee won the first Super Tuesday state, West Virginia, when John McCain's campaign ordered his delegates to swing to Huckabee to propel him past Romney, who had nearly 50% or the vote on his own.

It now is clear that McCain and Huckabee are working to destroy Romney together.

They tag-teamed him in Iowa and NH, they covered each other in Michigan and S.C.
They blasted him in Michigan and Florida.
And now, they are making sure that if Romney is winning a state, their delegates go to the stronger of the two and make sure it is Huckabee or McCain who wins...

If this pans out to a McCain/Huckabee ticket, I am voting democrat.

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