Saturday, November 3, 2007


And welcome to my blog.

I am a conservative, republican teen, who lives in a blue state.

I will be eligible to vote in the next election, so I'm trying to gather as much information on politics and all the candidates(both conservative and democratic) as I can. I hope to post what I find, think or hope for here, so others can benefit as well.

Currently I think Fred Thompson is our best bet for president, for several reasons.
I agree with almost every single thing he has said to this point,
he has been a conservative for his whole adult life,
and, most importantly IMHO, he has consistently voted conservative, whereas the rest of the republican candidates have wavered on a lot of issues.

I am pro-life, pro-guns, pro-marriage, anti-gay-marriage, pro-"war on terror", and 100% pro-Israel.

I am a creationist, but also acknowledge that it is impossible to prove my view, just as it is impossible to prove that the theory of evolution is accurate.
Both are a matter of faith. Do you have faith in a divine entity, or do you have faith that there is nothing beyond what you can see?

I am also an environmentalist, though I do not believe in human caused global warming.
I just prefer not eating, drinking or breathing toxic waste.

I am a pessimistic optimist, while I believe we can make the world a better place, I also realize that there is going to be a lot of bad things that happen before and during that transformation.

I believe that in order for us to fix this world, we have to go back to our conservative, Christian-based system of government.
Though I am not a Christian, one must acknowledge the fact that all of the founding fathers were Christians, and that they have successfully run this country for the better portion of it's history.

Assuming that Christians are a plague that is destroying our country is ludicrous.

Our fore-fathers left there homelands in search of a better country in which to live and raise there families.
They found it, here, in the United States of America. If it is so bad living under Judaeo-Christian laws and morals, why does everyone continue to flock here, just as they have since it was founded?

Better yet, why did our country become the most prosperous, powerful, and free country in the world?
And why, now that we have become more liberal, are we losing that place?

For me the answer is obvious.

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