Friday, November 9, 2007


Mitt Romney is possibly the most liberal candidate the republicans might actually be able to back.
I had thought it was a lock-up with Giuliani taking the cake, and that Mitt Romney might really be as conservative as he sounds.

Then I began seeing some people saying things like "He was a democrat 2 years ago", or "He only started being a republican 7 years ago" and a few others like it.
Uh-oh, "too good to be true" ring a bell?
I had always thought there was something about him that wasn't right. I actually had the impression that he was sort of a republican JFK.
So, I started looking around the web, and found that he has been a republican his "entire" life. Both his parents are republicans, and both were active in the political scene.

This made me start to doubt the accusations ... until I came back for round 2.
I finally found a good site that covered his past voting record, the massresistance site.
Here are some basic conclusions drawn from that page (which in turn are based on his voting record, and political statements):

  • Mitt Romney had a major role in destroying the republican party, and helping the democratic party while he was governor of Massachusetts.
  • Mitt Romney pretty much single-handedly allowed the homosexual movement to become a serious threat, to legalize gay-marriage (and not the gay as in happy kind), and to push homosexual, bi-sexual and trans-gender teaching in the schools.
  • Mitt Romney welcomed and helped agendas that supported, assisted and encouraged abortion.
Incredible! How can someone go to all the lengths he has to ruin the republican party and rewrite his own liberal record, and then have people actually believe him to be a staunch conservative?
He is just another smooth-talking, flip-flopping, back-stabbing and believable politician.
Basically he has the charm, looks and the attitude a lot of people want, like JFK, but the "republican" version of a Bill Clinton in view-point.

We don't need Bill back, whether it be through his wife, or through someone posing as him.

Here are some more links about Mr. Mitt:

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