Saturday, December 29, 2007

Fox News continues the attack on Thompson.

It seems that Fox is no longer happy simply to ignore Fred, they must now attack him.
Their arguments have always been shallow, but now seem to be moving towards the pathetic.
This recent article - Fox News - accuses him of being lazy, too old and "no fire in the belly" - the single argument people have used against him, at all, this entire campaign.

Here is a quick summation:
Question about Thompson's "perceived" lack of clarity on issues.
Accusations that he has no fire in his belly.
He is undefined, unpolished and lazy.
He is old.
He doesn't like long hours or the tediousness of Washington politics.
He can't live up to the hype.
He hasn't given a reason why he wants to be president.
While he looks presidential and like a "regular-guy", he doesn't looks like a leader.

There are a few more, but those are the important ones.
Basically they are echoing the same things that have been said of him for months, and yet bear very little weight as far as what really matters is concerned.

I put a comment up, which I shall quote here, because I think it is worth it.
I edited only to remove the typos.

"At least let’s be fair.

While there are a few things that would discourage some voters from him, there are many, many more that people agree with.
For Fox News to ignore him so much - I think the *other* networks have even shown more of him - is outrageous.

The people who say he had his chance and lost it, yeah right. When Thompson was number two he got about as much attention as he does now, which isn’t much.

Okay, so, to start the whole fair thing off, here is what I dislike about Fred.
He hasn’t server in the military.
He hasn’t been “in the scene” of politics long enough for me to have liked him before the elections started.
This isn’t such a bad thing though. I prefer more “home-grown” candidates, and regardless of how much I have seen him before, I like where he stood when he was on the scene, and I love where he stands today.
The military thing, well, it isn’t an issue this election.
Hillary, Obama, Edwards - for the democrats - Giuliani, Romney, Huckabee for the republicans.
None of the front-runners have any military service, except McCain - but that isn’t enough to make me vote for him.

And the allegations of “lazy”?
Even most of his critics have forgotten this with his revamped campaign throughout Iowa and other early states.
The rest are just hanging on to it because that is all they have.

I don’t trust Romney for his past stances - though I like what he is saying now.
I like Hunter, but he isn’t a big enough player for me to have looked much into him.
I don’t like Giuliani’s abortion stance, or his scandalous baggage.
I don’t like much of anything Huckabee says, except for his stance on abortion.
I don’t like McCain on abortion, global warming or illegal immigration.
I don’t like Ron Paul’s foreign policy - we don’t live in a perfect world.

For good things, well, for each of the candidates everything I haven’t mentioned that is bad about them.
The list is by no means exhaustive, but that is the general gist of it.

So please, let’s at least be balanced and fair. If Fox News gave Thompson the amount of time equivalent (just equivalent to *now*, past mistakes aside) to his standing in polls, then that would be easily three times the amount they are currently giving him.

And please, stop the stupid, lazy, too old, and no fire in his belly stories.
McCain and Ron Paul are both older than he is, and Romney and Giuliani are pretty much equivalent.
Please, they are getting really old and false and biased."

Fred Thompson, the right choice if you want honest and "real" leadership in an "illusion of leadership" world.

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