Sunday, December 23, 2007


Why does it seem like there is only one major candidate running who I really can pull for?
Based on everything I have written on Romney recently, everyone knows I don't prefer him for a candidate.
But the sickening thing is that, among the major candidates, he is now my number two pick.

My current ratings are:

  • Fred Thompson
  • Mitt Romney
  • John McCain
  • Rudy Giuliani
  • Ron Paul
  • Mike Huckabee
It seems like Thompson is the only stalwart conservative, not 100% sure, but consistently very close.

Romney appears to be the opposite if Huckabee, ie, Huckabee is a conservative on pro-life and sanctity of marriage, but otherwise where is he a conservative at?
Romney on the other hand, does not have a record of being conservative on abortion or gay marriage, but on other things it looks like he is ok.
And he is now saying he was wrong and has changed. I'm not sure I believe the change is permanent, but at least he admits his past mistakes and tries to fix them.

McCain worries me on illegal immigration and abortion.
Giuliani worries me on abortion and illegal immigration.
Paul, well, he worries me with his foreign policy, and makes me doubt his sanity at times.
Mike Huckabee worries me on foreign policy, illegal immigration, criminal paroles, among other things.
Mitt Romney worries me only in that I don't feel I can trust him.

Thompson worries me only that he has not been a soldier, but, then, this is not the year for that I guess - Romney, Giuliani and Huckabee weren't in the military.
And, on the democratic side, neither Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or John Edwards have any experience.
And war experience is not enough to make me pull for McCain.

I wish Duncan Hunter had a better campaign running, as he seems to be the only consistent conservative besides Thompson running.

I will vote for any of these candidates (except for Ron Paul) if they are nominated, but I won't enjoy it if it isn't Fred Thompson, or, maybe, Mitt Romney.

Fred Thompson, the right choice if you want strong, consistent, experienced leadership in an uncertain world.


Spacemonkey said...

Good comment on the Fox-Fred-Slacker story.

GallFire said...

Thank you for the feedback :)