Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The polls

Well, I woke up this morning, and I checked rasmussen as I usually do. Yesterday I received an email from John McCain's campaign about how they were expecting Obama to get a little bounce in the polls out of the DNC and Biden. And Obama had gained two points on rasmussen since he picked Biden - so I thought maybe they were right...

Now I checked this morning and McCain is once again tied with Obama - 46% apiece.
Other polls are showing a similar gain on McCain's part as well.

Another interesting thing is, rasmussen keeps track of state polls too, and they have an "electoral college" line-up of who they think will win where and whatnot...
And the awesome thing is that McCain is up from 165 to 183, while Obama is down from 210 to 193.

I noticed a similar trend when I looked to see which states had switched - and every single state in the last month has moved more Republican. From Likely Dem to Leaning, or Leaning Dem to a toss-up, or a toss-up to Leaning Rep, etc.

The best news for me, and the most disturbing for Obama, is that he is supported by only 78% of Democrats - almost a quarter do not trust him yet! 21% of Democratic women say they will be voting for McCain.
McCain has slight lead among unaffiliated voters as well.
Similarly, McCain is viewed favorably by 57% of voters nationwide, with Obama attracting 53%.

Very encouraging news, now let's hope that McCain will make the right choice for his VP.

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