Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Who will be McCain's VP pick...

After Obama picked Biden it has become even clearer that the VP's may well decide this race. With McCain and Obama about even in every poll, it may come down to wh picks the better VP.

I think Biden was the best choice for Obama. For numerous reasons, but for me personally because Biden was my personal favorite of the Dems - which isn't saying much I know. Another reason is his experience will help Obama a lot.

For McCain then it is down to 3 or 4 choices I think.

First, Mitt Romney is the one I personally would like most, or second most. The biggest problem with him, though, is that with McCain hammering Biden about his criticism of Obama and support for McCain, Obama will be able to say the exact same thing about Romney and McCain, as I don't think they really like each other much - and they were very heated during the primaries.
On the good side though, he will certainly help in Michigan, Colorado, Nevada, etc. And you know he would be willing to go toe-to-toe with Biden.

Then you have Tom Ridge. I think this is a very bad idea, mainly because McCain has not assured the vote of a lot of conservatives, and Ridge would only alienate more. The one good thing he brings with him is a good shot at Pennsylvania...

You also have Eric Cantor, I think. He is the other that I would like most. The reason he is better than the other younger possibilities is because he does have some more experience, he will help with the Jewish vote in some places, and because he will help in Virginia, another must-win for McCain. He will also help with conservatives.

Finally, there is the possibility he might pick Pawlenty. I think this would be the worst, as I don't think he'll bring Minnesota, and I don't see what he would bring to the ticket. Also I hear he is not as a good a debater - which the VP must be this time around.

There are probably other choices too, but I think their bad points out-weigh their good ones.
Rudy Giuliani will add nothing but more scandals.
Joe Lieberman will not add anything McCain needs with Republicans - and while he might bring in a few Independents, will that offset the conservatives who could not swallow the Republican party adding a past Democrat and liberal to the ticket?
Palin and Jindal, I think they won't add as much as Cantor - but who knows?
Condi Rice will only draw the parallel to Bush that McCain does not need.

I think Huckabee is also completely out of the question - he would add nothing but more problems with conservatives for McCain.

I think right now, of the choices above McCain should pick Cantor, or Palin.
Pawlenty might help if McCain thinks he really can bring in Minnesota - but I doubt it, and he doesn't strike me as a bulldog that will help outside of Minnesota either.

I think, though, in the end it will be Ridge that he picks. Mainly because he will combat Biden in Pennsylvania and because he has foreign affairs experience, and because of his pro-abortion stance he will help bring in some more of those Clinton supporters who are on the fence. I just hope he doesn't alienate conservatives too much with the choice.

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