Saturday, November 1, 2008

3 days to go...

In my previous post I remarked on how it was now McCain's race to win, as it had been Obama's to lose and he blew it.

Apparently the things he had already done weren't enough for him though.
Now, Obama has come out saying anyone who doesn't support his "redistribution of wealth" plan is "selfish".

The polls continue to move in McCain's favor as well, as he now clearly has the momentum in the race.
From rasmussen McCain has now moved to within in 4 points in Pennsylvania, a large movement from just two weeks ago, not to mention a month.
As well, on a variety of issues (economy, national security, taxes and social security) he is now trusted more than Obama. He is also now tied at 47% with Obama on the issue of Iraq.
Obama does still lead on a few key issues, such as ethics, balancing the budget, energy and the environment.
But what these polls show is that McCain truly has been successful in not only stealing Obama's thunder on the economy, which was arguably Obama's strongest point - and McCain's weakest, he has also regained the publics trust on the issues that he is strong in, but Obama had surpassed him in with his large surge.

Does anyone else notice (or rather, not) Biden?
I haven't seen him out campaigning very much anymore since his last gaffe, at the very least not on the scale of Sarah Palin.
Even McCain is getting out more than Obama from what I am seeing. That can't be a good sign for Obama.

I am only hoping McCain wins, or, if Obama comes out on top, he really makes good on his word, and everything is all fine and dandy...
The only problem with that is, I don't want another Bush.
I think he has ruined a lot of our government.
Now we have a candidate who we know even less of, promising things just as grand or more, and I'm supposed to just trust him to make everything right.
Yeah, that's a good idea, just see where that got us last time...

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