Thursday, October 30, 2008

The final stretch...

With 5 days to go, it is now John McCain's race to win.

Before this week it was primarily Barack Obama's race to lose, and I think he has.
With the Dow rising again this week, Joe the Plumber (more importantly Obama's response) surfacing the other week, the video of Rashid Khalidi the LA Times won't release (probably causing more damage for Obama than less),  McCain being able to get the race topic back, at least a bit, to his stronger point on security, and Biden being almost totally ineffective due to his gaffes.

McCain has been able to take Obama's probably strongest point, the economy, and take command of that issue, to some degree, with Joe the Plumber and his being able to portray Obama as a tax raiser, while he will cut taxes for everyone.

Every chance Obama has had to blow the race he has taken.

Now, with the polls closing, Republicans are getting more and more enthusiastic, as they are seeing again that we can win.
McCain is looking better and better and more comfortable, and Sarah Palin is looking more confident and in command every day.

Then we have Obama's infomercial last night. I only watched the first 10-20 minutes of it, but it doesn't look like it will change the race at all. Primarily it was other people speaking of their troubles and him commenting on it - in fact, the highest point of the whole thing for those polled was when he commented on someone losing their retirement, which is all fine and good, but he didn't go on in detail on ho he would actually help fix that issue.
There were a few scattered moments when he got back to policy.
I noted he has again changed his designation of "well-off" to $200,000 a year, down from $250,000  a year.

There were many other spin statements made, here is a link to an AP fact check on it:

All in all, that is why I think the race is now McCain's to win, Obama made a desperate attempt at closing the deal last night, and he didn't do it, now is McCain's turn, let's see how he does.

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