Monday, October 13, 2008

Obama not walking the walk on Women's pay...

Barack Obama continues to attack John McCain on the issue of equal pay for equal work for women.
While this is all well and good, maybe he should start doing what he is speaking...

In Obama's Senate office, women staff make 83 cents on the dollar what men are paid.
Of his top 5 payed staff, only one is a woman, and of his top 20 only 7 are women. (source/link - cbsnews, and

Compare this to John McCain's 17 male employees who were payed on average nearly 2000 less than his 25 female employees. (same links)

This is just another example of the Obama campaign using made-up issues (and outright lying) to attack John McCain and Sarah Palin.
When the Obama campaign actually starts to "walk the walk" I will accept their line about being the issue and fact based campaign.
Until then, perhaps they should do a little self-examination.

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