Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Final Presidential debate...

This was by far McCain's strongest showing - in my view as well as others (including Democrats).

I think McCain actually won this debate, in that he made more points, he was on the offense more, and he actually gave specifics (such as which government programs he would cut).
Obama was more eloquent (though he did stutter a bit as he was trying to phrase tough answers so as not to offend anyone) and survived.

In the end that may be all that matters - McCain didn't destroy Obama, thus he lost the event (not the debate, but the night).

Frank Luntz' ran a focus group as well during the debate. Most of the people in the group (all moderate undecideds) said Obama won, but only 4 out of 23 said they now supported Obama.
McCain's biggest points came when he told Obama "I am not George Bush, if you waned to run against George Bush you should have run four years ago."
For Obama it came when he highlighted how he hoped the atmosphere of the campaigns for the next few weeks should be.

Should be interesting to see how this plays - but I don't think McCain will get a large boost from this, but I don't think Obama will either.
The difference is though that McCain needed it, Obama didn't.

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