Thursday, September 4, 2008

John McCain's speech...

I thought he did a really good job, considering the crowd kept drowning him out every sentence to paragraph - and often in the middle of a sentence.

I think it had way more substance than Palin's, but wasn't delivered as well.
But Palin's goal was to introduce herself, and for that substantive, policy discussions are not as necessary.

McCain ended on a particularly good high note I think, even better than how Palin's ended.
He had a stream of lines culminating around the theme of "Stand up!". And the crowd was roaring after the first, and continued throughout the whole list. And for me it was nice to see McCain continuing on, over the roar of the crowd to continue - it really got me fired up.

Very well done Senator. Now let's go elect you, and get these changes we all need, and hear so much about, actually accomplished!

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