Friday, September 5, 2008

McCain's pick is looking more and more Brilliant...

New polling data from rasmussen, this being the first day to really take into account Sarah Palin's speech, has some interesting results.
First, she is now viewed favorably by 58% of voters, compared to 57% apiece for McCain and Obama, and only 48% for Biden.
Second, McCain is now back to within one point of Obama, trailing 46% to 45%, and, I would like to mention, this poll does not yet take into account the effects of McCain's speech or the end of the Convention.
This means that before the end of the Republican convention, McCain/Palin had already negated all bounce Obama/Biden got last week.

It seems her speech was liked very well, and, expecially considering she had to wing it for almost half the speech with the teleprompter being messed up, I am really impressed. Her second national speech and she is doing awesome - if this is her as inexperienced and unkowledgeable on the issues - I can't wait to see how she does when she is an expert...

Now to see how well McCain's speech played. I think it will do quite well actually - it was meant to appeal to moderates and independants - and it had plenty of actual policy specifics to let people think about what his presidency would bring, but not enough that he overdid it.


lot 2 learn said...

I am with you on McCains choice. I think it was a great decision. After I heard her speak, I knew he made the right choice. I thought McCain did a great job as well. I liked the part about intrducing Palin to Washington

GallFire said...

Thank you for the comment :)

I think he made the right choice now too.
Really, I think that if she survives the run through the mud without anything too serious coming up, then they have won the election.
Should something serious come up - then their pretty well doomed...

DT said...

i enjoyed you coming in the BC forums and expressing your views. hey, check out this note i got below from a reportedly 'impartial' moderator on the site. now i guess we know what the moderators on the site think about the right. and they said i offended people???? i'll visit your blog and feel free to visit mine at or . let's get mc cain and palin in there this january!

TonyB (a moderator on blog catalog)
1 hour ago
@DaveT, please type so people can explain what you are saying. Use caps at the beginning of sentences. Your run on sentences make no sense and you take things out of context just to annoy people here. The BC community has certain guidelines and standards. I've asked you to please adhere to them. I am blocking you from the discussions for a period of time. If, and when, you decide to come back, please read the guidelines and show respect to other members.


GallFire said...

I saw that - really quite hilarious.
I mean I see his point, in that you do write kinda fast and it runs together -but it is the point of it they miss.

In a forum generally you don't use great grammar - especially if you are trying to respond to the deluge of comments they make.

They would rather sit and discuss your usage of English that the issues - really quite sad actually...

And I have looked at your blog too - quite nice - definitely returning often ;)